TracLogik provides bespoke personnel and asset tracking solutions for warehouses and manufacturing facilities, which are tailored to each client. These asset tracking services use multiple IoT tracking technologies, including GPS, Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).
Through the use of TracLogik’s custom-built asset management system, operations managers can see all visible devices and technologies in real-time, integrated together via a user-friendly interface, thereby helping them improve safety, productivity and efficiency in the workplace.
Personnel Tracking in Warehouses & Manufacturing Facilities
Tracking the locations of your staff and visitors in warehouses or other manufacturing environments can provide managers with valuable information to help them make crucial, informed decisions.
There are several reasons why Real-Time Location System (RTLS) asset tracking monitoring can prove useful:
- Monitoring your personnel improves the productivity and efficiency of your operations.
- The analysis of your collected data (from various IoT technologies) supports strategic decision-making for continuous improvement.
- Tracking movements of people allows you to monitor and improve the health and safety of everyone who passes through your facilities.
- Personnel tracking improves safety and contributes to fulfilling your Health and Safety at Work requirements.
Should there be any emergencies or accidents which arise, with asset tracking software at your fingertips, you can pinpoint exactly where it took place, who was involved, and take affirmative action quickly and decisively.
Real-Time Personnel Tracking
Through TracLogik’s suite of IoT (Internet of Things) tracking technologies and business-grade, cloud-based software, Asset Command, TracLogik can give you a solution that allows you to see a unified view of your assets in real-time.
Whether you’re tracking personnel across one warehouse or multiple manufacturing facilities, TracLogik provides a customised, real-time view of your entire tracking and telemetry estate. Asset Command is a 24/7 solution, meaning that it’s always on, even when users are not logged in or on-site. The automated asset monitoring systems will be constantly running to provide real-time updates, notifications and alerts based on any preset conditions and requirements, which you can set yourself.